Steel lockers from China supplier are widely used in various offices, schools, factories, and other places because of their durability and simple design. It is usually composed of multiple metal parts, which are assembled into a fully functional and neat-looking locker through precise assembly technology. In this article, Dongzhixin will introduce the assembly process of steel lockers in detail.

  • Check the package: After receiving the steel locker from China supplier, first check whether the package is intact and confirm that all parts are complete.
  • Prepare tools: Basic tools such as screwdrivers and wrenches are required.
  • Assemble the frame: According to the instructions, fix the side panels, back panels, top panels, and bottom panels together with screws or connectors to form the basic frame of the cabinet.
  • Install the cabinet door: Connect the cabinet door to the cabinet frame to ensure that the cabinet door can be opened and closed smoothly.
  • Install the partition: Insert the partition into the corresponding position of the cabinet frame as needed to increase the storage space.
  • Place the assembled cabinet in the predetermined position to ensure that the cabinet is stable.
  • Check that all screws and connectors are tight to ensure that the cabinet structure is firm.
  • Check that the cabinet doors and partitions are installed correctly and can be opened and closed smoothly and used.
  • After assembly, wipe the cabinet surface and interior with a clean damp cloth to remove dust and stains.

It should be noted that different brands and models of steel lockers from China supplier may have some differences in assembly. Before assembly, be sure to read the instructions carefully and assemble according to the instructions. If you encounter difficulties or problems, contact the manufacturer for help in time.

If you do not understand the assembly instructions, you can refer to the website video for assembly. Click here to jump to watch.